Finally posted in The Later Adventures ... The Orphan and Pepe Le Bell Tour the South Seas ...

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The Early Adventures

Boeing:  Land of Heroes and Assassins


The Later Adventures

The Mighty Boeing Company


The Orphan and The Boot

The Awesome AquaJet Shower




Title Page Philosophy Preface
Chapter    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15 


The Adventures of The Little Orphan Granny
and The Awesome AquaJet Shower



There are three phases to the story of

The Adventures of The Little Orphan Granny

and The Awesome AquaJet Shower.




This is the story of how Knowledge Training LLC was formed, after The Orphan created the original concept of The Awesome AquaJet Shower. The Orphan created this concept while with The Giant of Industry (The Giant) during a tour of the mockup of his new flying home and office.

The Orphan, The Giant and The Two Eyed Greek Cyclops (The Biclops) worked together to start the development of The Awesome AquaJet Shower. The team consisted of professors and students – from both industry and university. The development took place in the depths of The Polymeric Composite Laboratory in the Chemical Engineering Department of The University of Washington, in a private residence, and later, at Raging Raytheon’s Completion Center in Waco, Texas. 

Both the kinder sites and the bloody sites of the “arena” are described.

The kinder arena site is where The Little Orphan Granny, in his role of Inventor and Professor, plays with his friends -- The Giant, The Biclops, The Mysterious Eastern Woman (TMEW), Beautiful Borge (who did not know that he was Beautiful Borge nor did his mirror -- and who was sometimes in his good guise as a teacher but sometimes in his bad guise as an assassin), Dependable Dan the Business Man, General Peek, Gruff Gary, Mighty Mike The Engineer, Joyous Joy, Too Tall, Massive Matt, The Baby Greek and Delightful David -- to give birth to, to raise and send The Awesome Aqua Jet Shower into The Whole World to train, better educate and clean mankind.

The education, the teaming, the focus, the design, the testing and the value of making and doing “The Plan” with the whole Team always together are discussed.

The Orphan, by moving speedily between his guises as Deal Maker, Engineer, Professor, Educator, CEO and “Leader of The Team,” works with General Peek, Dependable Dan the Business Man and Mighty Mike the Engineer and also, but only occasionally, with Hopeful Hannah and Cautious Kurt from Raging Raytheon, The Nazi Chairman from Knowledge Training LLC, The Giant of Industry from The Mighty Boeing, and Joyous Joy, Too Tall, Massive Matt, The Baby Greek, Delightful David and The Biclops from the University who were in their guises of students and professors, to launch The Awesome AquaJet Shower.

The bloody side of the arena is where The Orphan, still in his guises, battles with Treacherous Tom, Stupid Steve, Pitiful Peter and Evil Elizabeth of that part of The Mighty Boeing that is The Land of Assassins, with Crafty Coote, Nasty Nadim and Wily Walker of the Canadian Influence (soon to become the Canadian Lack-of-Influence) and, but only occasionally, with Hopeful Hannah and Cautious Kurt of Raging Raytheon (as all of Raging Raytheon’s world was tossed and turned).

These assassins work mightily to pirate the shower ideas, sabotage the program and destroy the processes being created by The Orphan, The Giant and The Biclops.




This is the story of the trials and tribulations of the formation of The AquaJet Appliance Company LLC (AJAC) as a joint venture between The Mighty Boeing and Knowledge Training LLC as well as AJAC’s actual startup -- against the wishes and actions of many ignorant, heartless, soulless, arrogant and incompetent people from all of the worlds – but mostly from that part of The Mighty Boeing that contains The Land of Assassins.

Phase Two describes the continuation of The Orphan’s battling in the bloody arena with new nemeses from The Mighty Boeing’s Land of Assassins -- Awful Albrecht Too, Dubious Doug Pain and Ambiguous Ann as well as with the old nemeses -- Doubtful Dayton, Treacherous Tom, Pitiful Peter, Beautiful Borge (in his assassin guise) and others. This group of assassins did not want to do The Awesome AquaJet Shower venture regardless of the clearly stated wishes of The Giant.

It was only after The Orphan refused to deal any more with the assassins and demanded to deal only with Gary the Great that AJAC was formed.

The ignorant, heartless, soulless, arrogant and incompetent people of the part of The Mighty Boeing that is The Land of Assassins think they have “a higher calling” and do not respect the wishes of their leaders or of The Mighty Boeing.

The Orphan leads a team that includes Gruff Gary, The Giant, Fearless Fred, Lovely Laura, Dependable Dan and Mighty Mike to design and manufacture an actual working AquaJet Shower and to install two of them in The Boeing Corporate Business Jet as well as to make sales to other companies.




Phase Three is the story of the vicious and persistent gradual destruction of AJAC by sabotage and bad faith used by Treacherous Tom, Awful Albrecht Too, Blackguard Bryan, Lousy Lee, Doubtful Dayton, Henry the Hypocrite, Mindless Mark, Legalese Ries, Misled Mike Cave-in, Slimy Swain and others from the part of The Mighty Boeing that is The Land of Assassins.

The destruction of AJAC was finally completed by The Assassins in early 2003 despite the long struggles and support of The Giant, Gary the Great, Brave Bair and Awesome Adams of the good part of The Mighty Boeing, and Masterful Masterson and Driven DeCaro of the KTL part of the AJAC board.



All three phases of this story can be used many ways. Among many examples are

(1)    As a guide to a new way of doing business.

(2)  As an education for the future, where individuals can create new ventures using a new synergy between Education and Business by working as small virtual companies outside of, but using, the huge Universities and Corporations, while working with speed (velocity? – thank you, Debbie Hopkins) to both teach and educate students of all ages, vocations, experience levels and personalities this new way of launching new projects.

(3)  As a lesson in the horrors of working with giant corporations and universities -- who have people who are great visionaries, teachers and dedication, as well as the majority who are ignorant, heartless, soulless, arrogant and incompetent people.

The Adventures of The Little Orphan Granny and The Awesome AquaJet Shower (by the way, this story may never be complete but probably will) can also be read for only pleasure – but be wary – learning may occur when you are not aware…

The Little Orphan Granny


To Philosophy End of Preface To Phase One: Chapter One


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The Early Adventures:   Chapter    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20 
The Later Adventures:   Dance Cruise     Ski Matterhorn     South Seas     North to Alaska     Education in Ethanol     Criminal Side  
The Orphan and The Boot:  

Final Seduction     Guadeloupe     The Great Arvee NW     Cabo San Lucas

The Mighty Boeing Company:   Chapter    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20
The Awesome AquaJet Shower:   Title Page     Philosophy     Preface

Boeing:  Land of Heroes and Assassins




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